Commitment Reliability

Commitment Reliability



Definition (Hover Text)

measures the percentage work completed at the end of a sprint in comparison to the total work in the sprint

Source Tools

Jira, Azure

Graph type



Commitment type/Scope, Issue Type

Hover Format on KPI

Sprint Name: <<Percentage Value>>

Delivered: <<Count/Size>>

Committed: <<Count/Size>>

Fields on Overlay

  • Sprint Name

  • Story ID

  • Issue Status

  • Issue type

  • Initial Commitment

  • Size

Business Logic

Calculation Formula

It is calculated No. of issues or Size of issues completed/No. of issues or Size of issues committed


Higher the percentage during a sprint, better forecasting can be done for future sprints

Maturity Levels

M1 - <40%

M2 - 40-60%

M3 - 60-75%

M4 - 75% - 90% , 

M5 - > 90%

Instance level thresholds


Global Configuration (Field Mapping)

Processor Fields


Mandatory Fields

Project Settings

  1. Navigate to Project Settings: Start by going to the Project Settings in your application.

  2. Access the Mapping Section: Within Project Settings, find and click on the Mapping option.

  3. Mandatory Field: In the Mapping section, you’ll find the Mandatory Field. This is where you’ll configure the necessary global mapping fields.

  4. Configure the Fields:

    1. Story Points Custom Field: Specify the field in Jira that is used for Story Points.

  • Estimation Criteria: Choose your preferred estimation criteria. You can select either Story Points or Original Estimation.

  • Sprint Name: Provide the custom field that is linked with the Sprint.

How to Validate KPI

Suggested ways of working

  1. Users can ‘Filter by Issue type’. Upon selection of an issue type from the filter, the trend graph shows the commitment reliability for selected issue type

  2. Another filter allows the user to see the delivered percentage w.r.t either

    1. Initial commitment based on Issue count

    2. Initial commitment based on Story Points

    3. Final Scope based on Issue Count

    4. Final Scope based on Story Points

Sample JQLs

JQL Query to get the issues committed at the start of a sprint: project = "Your Project Name" AND Sprint in openSprints() AND issueFunction in addedDuringSprint("Your Board Name", "Your Sprint Name")
JQL query to get the completed issues in a sprint: project = "Your Project Name" AND Sprint in closedSprints() AND status in (Done, Closed)

Benefits of KPI

How does the KPI help

  1. Making sure the team delivers what they promised on time.

  2. Building trust with stakeholders by sticking to commitments consistently.

  3. Helping teams stay accountable and focused on achieving sprint goals.


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