Azure Pipeline Connection Configuration

Azure Pipeline Connection Configuration


This explain the process of adding and editing Azure Pipeline connections in PSknowHOW application, enhancing integration and automation.

Add connection

To add a new Azure Pipeline connection

  • Choose "Azure Pipeline" from the drop-down menu, then click the "New Connection" button.

  • A pop-up window will open then select connection type Jenkins.

  • Fill in all the required fields to save connection otherwise, a validation message will be shown below the mandatory field textbox.

  • Save the connection by clicking the "Save" button.


  • Is Connection Private:

To make the connection private, tick the checkbox labeled "Private" This ensures that the connection is only accessible and visible to authorized users.

Azure Pipeline Connection Fields Description:

Label displayed on Config screen ( * for mandatory)

Sample Values

Field Description

Label displayed on Config screen ( * for mandatory)

Sample Values

Field Description

Connection Name


This field provides a name for connection detail.

Base Url *

Repo Url

Repo URL




Azure Pipeline username and PAT key, {username}:{PAT}

Once saved, the new Azure Pipeline connection will be visible under the "Connection" tab on the connections screen.


Edit Connection

  1. To edit Azure Pipeline connection

    • Go to the existing Azure Pipeline connection shown in the above image.

    • Select the connection and click on the edit icon.

    • Update the details on the pop-up window.

    • Click the "Save" button to save the changes..


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