MongoDB Setup

MongoDB Setup

Set up MongoDB version 3.4 

  • Download & Installation instructions

    • Configure MongoDB. Follow these steps:

    • Mongo Version to use 3.4.x

    1. Go to the bin directory of your MongoDB installation 

    2. Run the following command to start MongoDB. Make sure that the data directory pre-exists at the target location:

      mongod --dbpath < path to the data directory> 
      for e.g /usr/bin/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3/bin/mongod --dbpath /dev/data/db
      e.g mongod -dbpath="D:/Software/MongoDB/data"

    3. Download MongoDB clients (RoboMongo etc.) to connect to your local database. Make sure that database: dashboard is created, and you are able to connect to it.

Configuring MongoDB 

a.) Create database in the local DB: kpidashboard via the client, if not already present. 

b.) Download and execute below scripts to set up master data, Scripts are available here.

  1. kpi_master_insert.js

  2. filter_category_insert.js

  3. kanban_filter_category_insert.js

  4. global_config_insert.js

  5. enggmaturity_kpi.js

  6. enggmaturity_kpi_category.js

  7. enggmaturity_kpi_category_weightage.js

  8. enggmaturity_kpi_maturity_definition.js

  9. enggmaturity_kpi_questionnaire.js

  10. superadmin_setup.js

  11. create_resources.js

  12. create_permissions.js

  13. create_roles.js

Below command can be used to execute the script:

mongo localhost:27017/kpidashboard--username=<user-name> --password=<password> < <path to script>

P.S. : No username and password is required for the local setup, unless manually setup.

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