PSknowHOW Architecture - Components
Platform UI
Data Collectors
Custom API
Data Store
Platform UI
UI Application is hosted over a web server, and it is point from which the end user interacts with the system.
The default installation is done with a self-signed SSL certificate.
Data Collectors
The data collectors are written in JAVA to pull data from supported tools using RESTful API calls from these given tools.
All collected data is stored in MongoDB as JSON documents.
The data collection doesnt pull any PII data.
Custom API
The API layer written in JAVA calculates the API metrices and expose as JSON documents to be consumed by UI.
Data Store
MongoDB is the primary database , which is used by data collectors to push collected data from various sources
The access to these various data storage systems are abstracted and the entire system talks to these entities only using Platform DAL
Kafka System
Kafka is used to push all notification messages for processing.
Kafka will recieve in-bound mesaages submitted via post API in future release.
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