Expected- Ways of Working

Expected- Ways of Working


APM Tools ((Ways of Working))


Jira is project management tool that well integrate with PSKnowHOW application and provides user a seamless experience of managing and understanding the flow of work being done in current and past project iteration/sprints.

Based on the default setting of PSKnowHOW, all of the required fields will be populated. If a user wants to change the default setting, below are some key points to be considered.
SCRUM Dashboard Filters operates on the basis of Sprint and on KPIs, last 5 sprints data are shown.

Jira Setup

Iteration Board KPI’s

Iteration board is configured to seek data from different Scrum projects. Based on selected projects and sprint, Iteration KPI’s shall populate with corresponding data points.

  • Points To Be Remember-

    • Only Scrum projects are supported.

    • The selected project needs to have at least one sprint available for the KPI’s to show up.

    • Any user other than Superadmin shall have access to a Scrum project for data to be displayed on the Iteration board.

    • Any update on the Iteration board shall be followed by running the Jira processor from Misc. Settings, subject to availability of new information/data. To know more about the Jira processor, click here.

KPI’s Based on Defects

  • Defects should be linked to Stories. defects that are not linked with stories will not be considered for these KPI data calculations.

  • For DSR, the defect should have an identifier discovered on production.

  • All defects should be linked with a story, even if the story is part of the previous Sprint which has been closed.

  • Defect status should be reflected via the appropriate stage in the workflow, rather than using comments or using another status.

    • Resolved defects should be reflected via their status as done/closed.

    • Rejected defects should be reflected via their status as canceled or resolution as configured in PSKnowHOW.
      Similarly, it should be followed for other stages in the defect life cycle like Open, In Progress, In Development, Ready for QA, etc.

  • RCA drop-down field should be added in the Defect issue type. RCA values drive the info for RCA KPI.

  • Any Defect/Story being considered to work upon in a particular sprint shall be tagged to same.

KPI’s Based on Test Cases

  • All Test cases should be linked with a Story (to get In Sprint Automation Percentage value).

  • if custom fields are used to identify regression and in-sprint test cases, check the custom fields related to it on the setting screen of PSKnowHOW. 

  • Regression KPI can either be set up by Label or Customfield and is not dependent on Sprint.

  • Only those Test Cases which are to be automated will be considered for calculation and check the corresponding setting.

  • Test Execution Percentage and Capacity to be updated manually from the settings > upload.


Similar to Jira, PSknowHOW support Azure. Any project that is setup with the application can be configured with either Jira OR Azure.

Functionally Jira and Azure have similar mappings in PSknowHOW and all the KPI’s that originally worked with the Jira tool setup can work with the Azure setup as well.

All the points above for Jira are valid for the Azure tool.

Repository Tools

PSKnowHOW understands how important it is to keep track of changes made to your code repository. It provides users the ability to keep a watch over code checks 'ins, different Merge Requests raised, and Build Failures.

To know more about KPI’s that drive with available Repo tools, Click Here.


PSKnowHOW supports GitHub to keep track of activities in different repos and branches.

Prerequisite to Setup GitHub in PSKnowHOW:

GitHub Setup
  • A verified and hosted Repository on the GitHub domain.

  • Verified Repo Owner Username and updated Access token.

  • Base URL to hit the repo.

  • Repository and respective branch name.


To improve the scope of KPI’s with different tools, PSKnowHOW supports GitLab as well which is also one of the major code repository tools in the market.

GitLab Setup

Prerequisite to Setup GitLab in PSKnowHOW:

  • A verified and hosted Repository on GitLab domain.

  • Valid username and KPI access token

  • Base URL to and Repo URL along with Project ID.

  • Repository and respective branch name.

Azure Repo

Similar to GitHub and GitLab, PSKnowHOW allows user to track changes to their repository hosted at Azure domain.

Azure Repo Setup

Prerequisite to Setup GitHub in PSKnowHOW:

  • A verified and hosted Repository on Azure domain.

  • Verified Repo Owner Username and updated PAT Access token.

  • URL to the repo.

  • API version (API used to hit the repo tool) and respective branch name.

Build Tools

PSKnowHOW supports a variety of build tools like Jenkins, BAMBOO, and Azure Pipelines. These tools are used for different purposes like creating build or deployment pipelines that make different SCRUM/KANBAN projects operation more viable.

PSKnowHOW, understanding the vast utilities of these applications, have dedicated KPI’s that ensure user keep track of different Build and Deployment activities.

To know the different SCRUM and KANBAN KPI’s that support these build tools, Click Here.


PSKnowHOW application supports the Jenkins tool that enhances the user’s capability to seek data like the Number of Check ’ins, Deployment frequency, etc. It can be setup for SCRUM and KANBAN projects which depend upon Jenkins for build and deploy operations.

Jenkins Setup

Prerequisite to Setup Jenkins in PSKnowHOW:

  • An active port where the user is hosting the Jenkins application, ex: Port 8080

  • Base URI and API End Point to establish a connection between Jenkins and PSKnowHOW.

  • Valid user identity with username and password.

  • CI/CD pipelines shall be available and have prior setup in Jenkins.


Similar to Jenkins, Bamboo is also a continuous integration tool that is well supported by PSKnowHOW.


Prerequisite to Setup BAMBOO in PSKnowHOW:

  • Base URL to establish a connection between BAMBOO and PSKnowHOW.

  • Valid user identity with username and password.

  • Plan Name and Branches shall be created prior in BAMBOO.


PSKnowHOW supports the Azure pipelines to keep track of build activities in the project.

AzurePipeline Setup

Prerequisite to Setup Azure Pipeline

  • Base URL and PAT token to access pipelines in Azure.

  • Pipelines shall be created prior in Azure in order to seek the corresponding data.

Other Tools--


SonarQube (formerly Sonar) is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, and code smells.

PSKnowHOW enables users to identify the code smells and bugs graphically with the help of KPI’s

To know about the KPI’s supporting SonarQube, Click Here.

Prerequisite to Setup SONAR

  • Sonar Seeks data with the help of API hence, the API version used shall be available.

  • Active changes on the development side shall be tracked via SonarQube.

  • Username, Password, and Access Token to use the application.


The Zephyr tool suite gives you integrated quality metrics that deliver real time visibility of your project's development progress and status. Users can add test cases for the respective project with the help of Zephyr

PSknowHOW integrates the Zephyr tool and helps to keep track of different data like Regression Automation coverage if available test cases are linked with a story or not and what is the percentage of current sprint automation.

To know more about the KPI’s associated with the Zephyr tool, Click Here.

Prerequisite to Setup ZEPHYR

  • The project should be configured with a Jira server and Jira should have a Zephyr plugin available.

  • If you are using Zephyr Cloud, then the project should be configured with Jira Cloud.

  • Base URL and API endpoint to hit the tool server.

  • Active user credentials (Username and Password) of Jira.


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