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KPI Name

Iteration Commitment

Planned Work Status

Definition (info)

Iteration commitment It shows in terms of issue count and story points the Initial commitment (issues tagged when the iteration starts), Scope added and Scope removed.

Calculation Logic

The widget should show

  1. Initial Commitment

  2. Scope added

  3. Scope Removed

  • Initial Commitment widget will show the data of Issues completed + not completed + scope removed - scope added for the Iteration.

  • Scope added widget will show the data added issues for the sprint - The issues with * symbol from sprint report.

  • Scope removed widget will show the removed issues from the sprint - The issues from Scope removed collection from sprint report

    count of the issues having a due date which are planned to be completed until today and how many of these issues have actually been completed. It also depicts the delay in completing the planned issues in terms of days.

    Calculation Logic

    Planned - Show only the ones with due date
    Actual - Show amongst the ones having due date, which are completed.
    Delay - Show in Days (similar to Work remaining) by adding Actual delay (delay of all planned issues) + Potential delay of all planned issues (maximum delay of each assignee) on overlay.

    Actual Delay is calculated between due Date & completed Date of issue.

    Potential Delay is calculated between due Date & Predicted Completed Date.


    Filter by issue Issue type

    Filter by StatusPriority

    Columns in Overlay Screen

    1. Issue IdID

    2. Issue Description

    3. Issue Status

    4. Issue Type

    5. Size (story pointStory Point/hoursHours)Priority

    6. Due Date

    7. Original Estimate

    8. Remaining Estimate

    9. AssigneePriority
