Versions Compared


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Scrum-based projects only

Definition (Hover Text)

measures Measures the rate at which a team can deliver every Sprint. Since a stable velocity helps in forecasting, the KPI also measures the last 5 sprints average velocity and plots it along with the sprint velocitycompletes work in each sprint.

Source Tools

Jira, Azure Board
*Please note: The terminology for 'work' varies between tools. For example, Jira refers to individual tasks as 'Issues,' while Azure Boards calls them 'WorkItems.

Graph type

  1. Line

  1. graph for Sprint Velocity

  2. Column Chart for rolling average velocity



Hover Format on KPI

  • Sprint Name

: <<Value>>
  • <<Average velocity Value>>

  • <<Sprint velocity Value>>

Fields on OverlayExplore

  1. Sprint Name

  2. Story ID

  3. Issue Description

  4. Size

Business Logic

Calculation Formula

  1. SPRINT VELOCITY is calculated as the Sum of story points of all stories completed within

  1. the Sprint

  2. Average Velocity is

captured is
  1. the rolling average of the last 5 closed sprints



Maturity Levels

Compare Sprint Velocity with Average Velocity

M1: Velocity is 0-40% or >160%

M2: Velocity is 40-60% or 140-160%

M3: Velocity is 60-75% or 125-140%

M4: Velocity is 75-90% or 110-125%

M5: Velocity is 90% -110% - M5
  1. .

KPI Settings

Step 1: Custom Completion Status
Configure the statuses that signify the completion of a work item for your team. The first workflow transition status will be considered if multiple statuses are considered.

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Step 2: Issue Types to consider Custom Completion status
Configure the desired issue types that you want to consider for closure.

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*Please note:- Global mappings and default Jira statuses of sprint reports will apply if the KPI level settings are not used.


A stable or increasing trend is desirable

Maturity Levels

Not defined
Sprint Velocity is a crucial metric for improving planning accuracy. Since each team's velocity is shaped by factors such as team experience, project complexity, and the working environment, it is inherently unique and cannot be standardized across teams.

Instance level thresholds

Target KPI value denote denotes the bare minimum project should maintain for KPI

Global Configurations (Field Mapping)

Processor Fields


Mandatory fields

Project Settings

  1. Navigate to Project Settings: Start by going to the Project Settings in your application.

  2. Access the Mapping Section: Within Project Settings, find and click on the Mapping option.

  3. Mandatory Field: In the Mapping section, you’ll find the Mandatory Field. This is where you’ll configure the necessary global mapping fields.

  4. Configure the Fields:

    1. Story Points Custom Field: Specify the field in Jira that is used for Story Points.

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  • Estimation Criteria: Choose your preferred estimation criteria. You can select either Story Points or Original Estimation.

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  • Sprint Name: Provide the custom field that is linked with the Sprint.

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How to Validate KPI

Suggested ways of working

  1. This KPI calculation is based on the total story points of all issues from the completed issues in the Sprint Report

  2. If estimation the Estimation Criteria is configured as Original Estimation for in the boardfield mappings, then calculation is based on the total original estimate of all issues from the completed issues in the Sprint Report (.
    Total hours will be converted to story points, i.ebased on Story Point to Hour Conversion (e.g., 8 hrs = 1sp1 SP)

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Sample JQLs

project = "XYZ" AND "SCRUM Team" = ABC AND issuetype = Story AND status in (Closed) AND sprint in (433)

Best Practices

Consistent Estimation

Ensure that story points or other units of measure are consistently estimated across the team. This helps in maintaining the reliability of the velocity metric.

Use Velocity for Planning, Not for Performance Measurement

Velocity should guide planning and forecasting rather than being used as a performance measurement tool to pressure the team.

Focus on Completed Work

Only count work that is fully completed according to the definition of done. Partially completed work should not be included in the velocity.

Avoid Comparison

Do not compare velocities between different teams. Each team’s velocity is unique and influenced by various factors like team experience, project complexity, and working environment.

Benefits of KPI

How does the KPI help



Sprint velocity helps in predicting the amount of work a team can handle in future sprints, aiding in more accurate sprint planning and forecasting.

Capacity Planning

It helps in determining the team’s capacity, ensuring that the workload is manageable and realistic.

Performance Tracking

Monitoring sprint velocity over time allows teams to identify trends, which can indicate improvements or the need for process adjustments.

Stakeholder Communication

It provides a tangible metric that can be communicated to stakeholders to demonstrate progress and manage expectations.