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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

KPI Name

Iteration Commitment

Estimation Hygiene

Definition (info)

Iteration commitment shows in terms of issue count and story points the Initial commitment (issues tagged when the iteration starts), Scope added and Scope removedIt shows the count of issues which do not have estimates and count of In progress issues without any work logs.

Calculation Logic

The widget should show

  1. Initial Commitment

  2. Scope added

  3. Scope Removed

  • Initial Commitment widget will show the data of Issues completed + not completed + scope removed - scope added for the Iteration.

  • Scope added widget will show the data added issues for the sprint - The issues with * symbol from sprint report.

  • Scope removed widget will show the removed issues from the sprint - The issues from Scope removed collection from sprint report.

    KPI to be renamed to 'Issues without Estimates'

    One Multi-select Dropdown to filter by issue type

    Legend has to be changed to 

    1. Issues with Estimates

    2. Issues without Estimates

    One Multi-select Dropdown to filter by issue type

    Legend has to be changed to 

    1. Issues with Worklogs

    2. Issues without Issues without Worklogs


    Stories without estimates



    Filter by issue type

    Filter by Status

    Columns in Overlay Screen

    1. Issue IdID

    2. Issue Type

    3. Description

    4. Issue Status

    5. Issue Type

    6. Size(story point/hours)

    7. Priority

    8. Due Date

    9. Original Estimate

    10. Remaining Estimate

    11. Assignee

    1. Assignee


    Processor Fields


    Mandatory fields
