Overview | |
Definition (Hover Text) | Rework Rate is the percentage of code changes where an developer rewrites code they recently updated within a given period (Past three weeks). |
Source Tools | Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Azure Repo |
Graph type | Line X Axis - Days/Weeks/Months |
Filters | Branches & Developers |
Hover Format on KPI | <From Date - To Date>: <Rework Rate %> |
Fields on ExportExplore |
Business Logic | |
Calculation Formula | Rework Rate is calculated by dividing the number of code changes that were rewritten within a given period (Past three weeks) by the total number of code changes made during the same period. The result is then expressed as a percentage.
Trend | A decreasing rework rate is a positive indicator. |
Maturity Levels | M1: > 80% |
Instance level thresholds | Nil |
Configurations | |
Processor Fields | Nil |
KPI Specific fields | Target KPI Value |
How to Validate KPI | |
Suggested ways of working |
Sample JQLs | N/A |
Benefits of KPI | |
How does the KPI help | A high rework rate can indicate inefficiencies, miscommunication, or rushed coding. By tracking this KPI, teams can improve planning, minimize wasted effort, and strengthen overall code stability and quality. |
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