Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Definition (Hover Text)

Scope churn explains the change in the scope of sprint since the start of iteration

Source Tools

Jira, Azure

Graph type



Story Points, Issue Count

Hover Format on KPI

Sprint Name:  <<Value>>

Fields on Overlay

  • Sprint Name

  • Issue ID

  • Issue type

  • Issue Description

  • Size

  • Scope change date

  • Scope change (Added/Removed)

  • Issue status

Business Logic

Calculation Formula

(Stories added + Stories removed) / Count of Stories in Initial Commitment at the time of Sprint start


Higher the scope churn, lesser is the Speed

Maturity Levels

M1: >50%

M2: 30-50%

M3: 20-30%

M4: 10-20%

M5: <10%

Instance level thresholds


Processor Fields


Mandatory fields

Issue type to identify Story

How to Validate KPI

Suggested ways of working

Sample JQLs

JQL query to get the issues committed at the start of a sprint: project = "Your Project Name" AND Sprint in openSprints() AND issueFunction in addedDuringSprint("Your Board Name", "Your Sprint Name")

JQL query to get the issues added or removed during a sprint: project = "Your Project Name" AND Sprint in openSprints() AND (issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart("Your Board Name", "Your Sprint Name") OR issueFunction in removedDuringSprint("Your Board Name", "Your Sprint Name"))

Benefits of KPI

How does the KPI help

  1. Highlighting changes in Sprint requirements or scope.

  2. Allowing teams to assess the impact of changes on timelines and resources.

  3. Facilitating proactive management of Sprint scope to minimize disruptions and maintain Sprint goals.
