SSO Integration

SSO Integration

PSKnowHOW uses SAML for identity provider integration.


AUTH Provider IDP Side

  1. Azure team will be set up SAML IDP configurations

  2. Configuring SAML Single Sign-On (SSO)

    1. Basic SAML Configuration’ section

    2. Configure the User Attribute & Claims section and Adding custom roles

    3. SAML-based Sign-on configuration

    4. Setup API4Saml

    5. Test SSO via azure

  3. After that, you will get below Info From Azure Provider (below info it is Just sample credentials)

    1. Azure Enterprise Application name: APIM4SAML

    2. Unique Identifier (Entity ID): wso2apimv400

    3. TenantID/Directory ID : j52c9ea1-7c21-47b1-82a3-33a74b1f9832 (Specific to the company)

    4. SAML Single Sign-on Service URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8/saml2

    5. SAML Entity ID (Reply URL Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://sts.windows.net/a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8/ (Specific To Project Level) (Updated in below properties as auth.holdingEntityId)

    6. Sign-Out URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8/saml2

    7. SAML signing certificate: APIM4SAML.cer(Base64 encoded certificate)

    8. Alias: ps-ad (Specific to Company level)

Central AUTH Application Side

  1. Set required SAML properties

    1. Related to SAML Info Needed To Update below details As per your credentials (for release Version Knowhow 9.0.0 to 9.5.0)

    2. you have to Azure Saml parameter Mapping to auth application.properties file field like this

      1. TenantId map to auth.assertingEntityId

      2. SAML Entity ID map to auth.holdingEntityId

      3. Alias map to auth.alias

      4. SAML Entity ID map to appId in auth.samlLoginUrl

    3. #NeededToUpdate : Saml info update Start auth.holdingEntityId=spn:a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8 auth.assertingEntityId=https://sts.windows.net/j52c9ea1-7c21-47b1-82a3-33a74b1f9832/ auth.alias=ps-ad auth.samlLoginUrl=https://login.microsoftonline.com/j52c9ea1-7c21-47b1-82a3-33a74b1f9832/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid=a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8 #NeededToUpdate : Saml info update End

If you are Using release Version Knowhow 10.0.0 Onwards you have to use

Saml Mapping to auth application.yml file

  1. SAML Entity ID map to entity-id

  2. TenantId and SAML Entity ID Map to MetaDataUrl

    https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid={your-Entity ID}
security: filter: dispatcher-types: async, error, request, forward saml2: relyingparty: registration: azure: acs: location: '{baseUrl}/saml/SSO' assertingparty: metadata-uri: =https://login.microsoftonline.com/j52c9ea1-7c21-47b1-82a3-33a74b1f9832/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid=a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8 entity-id: spn:a74f37bd-de4d-4eb1-954d-445a2ca2a6e8 singlelogout: binding: POST responseUrl: '{baseUrl}/saml/SingleLogout' url: '{baseUrl}/saml/logout'

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