This explain the process of adding and editing TeamCity connections in PSknowHOW application, streamlining integration and continuous integration.
To add a new Teamcity connection
From the drop-down menu, select "TeamCity," and then click the "New Connection" button.
Fill in all the required fields to save connection otherwise, a validation message will be shown below the mandatory field textbox.
Save the connection by clicking the "Save" button.
Is Connection Private:
To make the connection private, tick the checkbox labeled "Private" This ensures that the connection is only accessible and visible to authorized users.
Filed Name Mandatory | Sample Values | Field Description |
Connection Name | This field provides a name for connection detail. | |
Base UrlĀ * | Teamcity Url | Teamcity URL |
Username * | Teamcity username to access Teamcity data | |
Password* | Teamcity password |
The newly saved TeamCity connection will appear under the "Connections" tab on the connections screen.
To edit Teamcity connection
Go to the existing Teamcity connection shown in the above image.
Select the connection and click on the edit icon.
Update the details in the pop-up window.
Click the "Save" button to apply the changes.