KnowHOW Release v7.8.0.
Release Date - 06-Sep-2023
Regression Automation Coverage KPI
Users can now upload KH information for In Sprint Automation and Regression Automation coverage.
A new field, "KPI calculation logic," is introduced as a toggle in both disabled and enabled states for data processing on the Upload Data screen.
When the toggle is enabled In the Upload Data section, for Test Execution Pass Percentage, users will be able to see additional fields such as Automatable Test Cases, Test Cases Automated, Total Regression Test Cases, and Automated Regression Test Cases.
Defect by type
Introducing the new KPI "Defect Count by Type," which provides a detailed breakdown of defect types in the backlog.
The pie chart graph in the hover lay now visually represents the count and percentage distribution of each defect type.
In the overlay, user can view details such as Issue ID, Issue Type, Issue Status, Sprint Names, Priority, Created Date, Updated Date, and Assignee.
Release Dashboard KPI
Users can now view defects created at the sub-task level in Jira within the defect KPIs on the Release dashboard.
A new field has been introduced in Mappings for specifying the Issue type for sub-task defects.
Any issue type specified in this field will be considered as a sub-task bug on the Release dashboard.
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