KnowHow supports Authentication and Authorization. The default admin user in any fresh instance will be "SUPERADMIN" with the default password "SUPERADMIN@123". Please change the SUPERADMIN's default password once the installation is complete.
On the Login screen, the user can select Standard login with credentials or AD login to authenticate him/her-self
login with SSO
KnowHOW Login
Any individual can self-sign on a KnowHow instance. You can use the login page to register a user specifying user name, password, and email.
Active Directory Login
A user using a default Superadmin user or with a SUPERADMIN role can configure AD server details on the KnowHOW instance.
Please Note: If Publicis Sapient teams wish to integrate Lion Login AD, please reach out to the KnowHOW for AD details Once Ad provider is configured, KnowHOW login can be disabled from setting in KnowHOW.
SSO Login
A User can login to knowhow using work email to authenticate.