Key Features ReleasedIteration DashboardAdditional KPIs have been added on the Iteration Dashboard. These KPIs together help in gauging the Iteration progress w.r.t Speed and Quality Iteration Dashboard Link. 1.Iteration Commitment KPI  2.Planned Work Status KPI  3.Unplanned work Status KPI Note - Planned work completion and unplanned work status will be renamed and repurposed.  4.Work Remaining KPI  5.Quality Status KPI  6.Iteration Progress KPI  7.Defect count by Status, RCA and Priority Defect count is segregated by RCA, Status and Priority. User can see the break up both for the total defects in an iteration and for the defects created after iteration start date.
 8.Iteration Wastage  9.First Time Pass Rate KPI  10. Dev Completion Status KPI  11. Issue Likely to Spill KPI  12. Closure Possible KPI  Usability EnhancementsKPI Overlay experience on Iteration Dashboard Users can now customize the table view by adding/removing columns in the overlay. Users can sort/filter/reorder the columns. Fixed Table Header: The KPI overlay table header remains fixed when scrolling.
User can tag comments to each KPI for a project Introduced new comments feature on KnowHOW, specifically designed to help users save a text field for saving comments per KPI in each project/sprint. This feature enables users to save notes and reference them in the future. User can see all the trend data on Hover giving him/her the ability to easily compare the trend Seamless integration between KnowHOW & JIRA Backlog Dashboard     Lead time KPI Lead time has been enhanced with a full-width view and time duration filter. Users can view lead time durations for Intake to DOR, DOR to DOD, and DOD to Live in a single view. Users can filter the data based on different time durations like Week, 2 Weeks, Month, 3 Months, and 6 Months. Users can also filter the data based on different issue types such as bug, Story, and task.
 Release Dashboard  Release Burnup KPI Release Progress KPI Release Progress KPI introduced: Tracks the count of issues in different stages: To Do, In Progress, and Done. Based on the size of issues count & Story Point. Filters show Issue type Assignee and Priority. When hovering over the issue count, users can now see both the percentage and Issue count, allowing for better understanding. Similarly, when hovering over the story points, users will see the percentage and the corresponding story points. The filter now includes a project-specific filter, allowing users to easily view and manage releases related to a specific project.
 KnowHOW Landing pageEnhanced the UI of the KnowHOW Landing page by displaying all the current dashboard categories in the left navigation. The left navigation bar now displays the following dashboard categories in the given order. Feature to push KPI data by userMaturity wheel enhancementUser can see the maturity level only of Categories & drill down to see the maturity level of KPIs under category with all KPIs that have a maturity score and level associated with it. Maturity Score and Level Display: The maturity score and its corresponding level are now shown together in Speed, Quality, Value KPI.
Configuration EnhancementsUnit Test Coverage KPI EnhancementsX-Ray tool integration X-ray (Jira plugin) for test management can now be integrated with KnowHOW to get In-sprint automation, regression automation and Test without story link KPIs. All Jira test management plugins (X-Ray or Zephyr squad) can now be configured through a common user interface.
GitHub Action Introducing the Git Hub Actions Build & Deployment Tool processor. This new processor enables streamlined build and deployment processes using GitHub Actions. The processor integrates seamlessly with GitHub repositories, allowing for efficient code management and version control.
Quality KPI EnhancementsScrum QUALITY KPIs Link First Time Pass Rate KPI The total number of stories considered for the First Time Pass Rate (FTPR) will now be based on the completed issues in the sprint report. Issue types will now be mapped to stories to provide a more comprehensive view of the types of issues being tracked and resolved during the sprint. Exclusion parameters for eg: Resolution type for Rejected, Rejected Status, Priority, RCA.
Defect Density and Defect Injection rate KPI now have Exclusion parameters for eg: Resolution type for Rejected ,Rejected Status, Priority ,RCA. Unlinked Defects: Defects tagged to the sprint but not linked to a story will now be included in the Unlinked Defects KP. DIR (Defects to Issues Ratio): DIR will be calculated as the number of linked defects divided by the number of stories from the Sprint Report.
Created Vs Resolved KPI Created vs Resolved KPI consider all defect issue types mentioned in our mappings, including subtask defects, whether they are linked or unlinked. The KPI will display 2 views for Created vs resolved.
Speed KPI EnhancementsScrum SPEED KPIs Link 1.Average velocity along with Sprint Velocity KPI 2.Commitment Reliability KPI Introducing two new views to the Commitment Reliability feature. Users can now track commitment reliability based on the initial scope of work planned during iteration planning. Users can continue to track commitment reliability based on scope changes and updated count/size of issues. The new trend line represents commitment reliability based on the initial scope. Filter options include Initial Commitment (Issue Count), Initial Commitment (Story Point), Final Scope (Issue Count), and Final Scope (Story Point).
3.Story Count KPI Story Count has been renamed to "Issue Count". The field name in mappings has been updated to "Issue Count" KPI Issue type. Two radio buttons have been added to the widget. Hovering over the widget will show a breakdown of the count by each issue type.
Jira Template Configuration Azure BoardIteration dashboard will now work for Azure Boards The Iteration Board KPIs now provide insights and metrics for both active and closed sprints. Users can now track and analyze sprint details using the Iteration Board KPIs.
Comment icon now indicates if there are any comments on a KPI. Clicking on the comment icon allows users to view comments on specific KPIs. Users can now delete their own comments. Comment icons added to the Release and Backlog dashboards KPI's.
Capacity TableHappiness Index KPI Happiness Index KPI introduced. Happiness Index measures and analyzes the happiness and morale of team members. Happiness Index displayed on the Y-axis rating. Sprints tracked on the X-axis.