Setup Configuration
Jenkins Configuration field description
Edit Configuration
Setup Configuration
To setup, navigate to project settings and click 'Setup' under Jenkins tool
Under Jenkins Configuration page, first section shall be 'Available Connection'. Recently created Jenkins Connections shall be displayed here. Select radio button for desired connection.
Configured Tool section shall display existing configuration with Jenkins.
Select Job Type and Job Name from dropdown and click Save button
User should see successful message.
NOTE: To get the data populated for Jenkins, User shall run the Jenkins Processor from Settings>Misc. Settings for the project.
Edit Configuration
Once Jenkins is configured, user can proceed with validating data populated on KPI. However In case, user anticipate any changes for tool configuration
Navigate to the Settings> Project Name >Edit
Under Jenkins, click Edit configuration
Note: For the updated data to populate after user edit the configuration, tool processor needs to be run again by navigating Settings>Misc Setting.