The docker-compose.yaml which you downloaded requires some environmental variables to function .
All conatiners marked in RED are mandatory, rest are optional and needed only if respective tools are in use.
MongoDB service
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=<DB ROOT USER> (Line: 14, used for DDL comands within the application.)
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<DB ROOT PASSWORD>(Line: 15, password for admin user)
forgotPassword.uiHost=<DNS / IP> (Line: 4137, DNS and/or IP of the installation server)
corsFilterValidOrigin=<DNS/IP> (Line: 4238, , DNS and/or IP of the installation server)
versionnumber=<Current version released> (Line: 4339, leave current value if you prefer latest version)<DB ROOT USER> (Line: 4541, same as defined in MongoDB config)<DB ROOT PASSWORD>(Line: 46 42 , same as defined in MongoDB config)
aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(Line: 4743, this is the passphrase for generating AES key, this cant be changed during lifetime of application)
(min lenght - 8, sample value - 7DLHllMii14pId0FSSwGWwtga5dckGHW)auth.secret=<auth secret>(Line: 4844, this the passphrase used to generate sign jwt token)
(min length -4, sample value - C0GNAIDS8upDNnkE)
...<DB APPLICATION ROOT USER>(Line: 9389, same as defined in MongoDB config)<DB APPLICATION ROOT PASSWORD>(Line: 9490, same as defined in MongoDB config)
aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(Line: 9591, same Key as defined in CustomAPI)
...<DB ROOT USER>(Line: 118114, same as defined in MongoDB config)<DB ROOT PASSWORD>(Line: 119115, same as defined in MongoDB config)
aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(Line: 120116, same Key as defined in CustomAPI)
...<DB APPLICATION USER>(line: 141137, same as defined in MongoDB config)<DB APPLICATION PASSWORD>(Line: 142138, same as defined in MongoDB config)
aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(Line: 143139, same Key as defined in CustomAPI)
...<DB ROOT USER>(Line: 165161, same as defined in MongoDB config)<DB ROOT PASSWORD>(Line:166162, same as defined in MongoDB config)
aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(Line:166163, same Key as defined in CustomAPI)