The docker-compose.yaml which you downloaded requires some environmental variables to function .


All conatiners marked in RED are mandatory, rest are optional and needed only if respective tools are in use.

MongoDB service

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=<DB ROOT USER> (used for DDL comands within the application.)

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<DB ROOT PASSWORD>(password for admin user)




  • forgotPassword.uiHost=<DNS > (DNS of the Knowhow server)

  • corsFilterValidOrigin=<DNS> (DNS of the Knowhow server)

  • versionnumber=<Current version installed>

  •<pass mongo db connection url in this format “mongodb://<DB USER NAME>:<DB PASSWORD>@mongodb:27017/kpidashboard“>

  • aesEncryptionKey=<aesEncryptionKey>(this is the passphrase for generating AES key, this cant be changed during lifetime of application)
    (min lenght - 8, sample value - 7DLHllMii14pId0FSSwGWwtga5dckGHW)

  • auth.secret=<auth secret>(this the passphrase used to generate sign jwt token)
    (min length -4, sample value - C0GNAIDS8upDNnkE)

  • CONFIG_LOCATION= <location of property file>

  • isRepoToolEnable= <true for repotool(developer tab) enable or false for repotool disable> <mongodb URI>

  • JAVA_OPTS= <configuring Java runtime settings>

  • auth.subDomainCookie= <true for auth service enable and false for auth service disable>

  • auth.domain= <auth service is on then added to parent domain>

  • auth.centralAuthBaseURL= <central auth UI DNS>

  • exposed_api_key= < api key for the exposed kpi like repo tool, sample value:UvcP8HOTwcJVFR4DYVZZwwSh5p6dVue7DExY6m0nblPSIYGCl1K/c89oQMVD2nVqN1N443vkDofkROBFiHjDxw==>
